Introducing a breakthrough in Laser Tattoo Removal
The Cosmetic Medical Clinic in Sydney offers the safest, most powerful and effective Tattoo Removal systems in the world. Used in conjunction with the latest medically proven techniques we can ensure the most efficient removal of your tattoo.
What we do

What we do

We are the tattoo removal specialists and our singular focus is to ensure your satisfaction. Every patient receives a personalised plan with the clinical care a medical procedure requires. Our professionally trained staff will be your guides, leading you through a process that is far easier than you may expect.
Our commitment to you

Our commitment to you

We are committed to helping you from start to finish, this is why we offer continuous support and a generous offer to continue treating your tattoo if the number of treatments exceeds our initial expectations.
Before & After

Before & After

We use the most advanced technology available to ensure the fast and effective removal of your tattoo with a minimal disruption to the surrounding areas of skin.
34% of Australian adults with a tattoo wish to remove it or have it changed
Organise a consultation or have somebody get back to you.